In Hong Kong, 2019

I am a PhD student at ETH Zurich with Prof. Bernd Bickel. Before moving to Zurich, I spent one year as an intern at IST Austria with Bernd, and also briefly enrolled at EPFL. I graduated from CUHK with a BSc. in Computer Science (first class honors) in 2021.

I enjoy exploring colors, shapes, structures in both physical and virtual worlds (and in their intersection). Check my resume for more information.

github/desmondlzy linkedin/desmondlzy [email protected]



I also publish under the name Liu Zhenyuan.

BiGS: Bidirectional Gaussian Primitives for Relightable 3D Gaussian Splatting
Liu Zhenyuan, Yu Guo, Xinyuan Li, Bernd Bickel, Ran Zhang
Arxiv 2024
💡 3D objects illuminated with dancing lights and HDRI images
Directionality-Aware Design of Embroidery Patterns
Liu Zhenyuan, Michal Piovarči, Christian Hafner, Raphaël Charrondière, Bernd Bickel
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2023)
🪡 Transform images to beautiful patterns ready for an embroidery machine to sew
Worst-Case Rigidity Analysis and Optimization for Assemblies with Mechanical Joints
Zhenyuan Liu, Jingyu Hu, Hao Xu, Peng Song, Ran Zhang, Bernd Bickel, Chi-Wing Fu
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2022)
🧱 LEGO models (and more assemblies) made structurally rigid

Research Experience

Prior to the start of my PhD, I also had great chances to explore various topics in computer science.

During my internship at IST Austria, I was working on an algorithm that transform images into embroidery patterns in real life via a programmable embroidery machine.

Starting from my final year at CUHK, I worked with Prof. Fu Chi Wing on my graduation project. We studied the design and optimization of the structural rigidity of assembly structures. The project was later extended to a paper published at Eurographics 2022.

I also worked on a few other short-term research projects before I stepped into the world of graphics, including exploring computationally efficient neural networks with Prof. Anand Sarwate at Rutgers, funded by Professor Charles K. Kao Scholarship; generating adversarial samples in natural language processing with Prof. Michael Lyu; and a project about information theory with Prof. Sidharth Jaggi.

A stylized Pink Floyd album cover using color quantization on another image.

A stylized Pink Floyd album cover using color quantization on another image.

Side Projects

I like to get my hands on new technologies and do something fun with them. Here are a few of them I think you might like:

  • Bloggraph: A Hugo theme that powers this website; click here for a quick start guide.
  • TimeWalk: A coding metric tracker I use everyday, extensible, private, totally local. VSCode plugin available.
  • Slurmmy: Scripts that automate slurm jobs submission, maximize your slurm cluster usage.
  • Change: See white light dispersed through glass into colorful spectrum; the winning entry of the rendering competition of Advanced Computer Graphics 2023 at EPFL.
My best rendering so far (cropped).

My best rendering so far (cropped).


When I’m not scratching my head in the lab, I enjoy playing with my camera. I’ve been slowly and painstakingly organizing my photos into my photo website.

I also like playing boardgames and making cocktails (and drinking them).



